If playing as another class, like the "Javazon" Javelin Amazon build, there are only 3 Shields that other classes can get 4 sockets on:

This means the farming time to get the shield is actually increased. This is a common mistake people make while playing Diablo 2: Resurrected because it takes a long time to kill harder monsters. Using the text command console to simulate more ally players in the world will spawn higher-quality loot, but be careful not to set it too high.

While farming, make sure to lower or completely remove all +Magic Find stats attached to the character, as it's Normal white shields that need to be found, not Magic Shields. Good Farming spots for loot in Nightmare include: While it is possible to get 4 Sockets in Normal on a Paladin shield, it is highly recommended to wait until moving on to Nightmare difficulty to get a 4-Socket Paladin shield, as a 4-Socket Paladin can drop as loot from the beginning. Level 26+ Paladin-specific shields will be obtainable from the start of Act 5 in Normal, or creating the secret Cow Level in Diablo. The Horadric Cube recipe in Diablo 2: Resurrected for getting 4 sockets on a Paladin shield is:ġ Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + 1 Normal Paladin Shield (with required level and quality) Alternatively, the Horadric Cube has the possibility of creating 4 sockets on a Normal white Paladin shield at level 26 or above, but the shield cannot be Low-Quality or Superior. This is the first quest in Act 5, Siege on Harrogath. It's very important to note that a Paladin shield must be at level 26 or higher to give 4 sockets as a reward from the quest. While Normal difficulty can only drop a 3 socket shield at maximum for the Paladin, the socket quest or Horadric Cube can be used to acquire the 4 sockets needed to insert the Spirit runes. The Paladin in Diablo 2: Resurrected is the only class that can acquire a 4-Socket Shield while playing on Normal. Players must be at least Level 25 to make Spirit. Having the shield instead of the sword means other classes can get better attack bonuses with other weapons. The Spirit Shield is favored over the Spirit Sword as it's an off-hand piece of equipment that doesn't need to be actively used to reap the most benefits. The Spirit Shield and Spirit Sword have similar stats but vary slightly. A Normal white shield or sword with 4 sockets is required to hold the runes. Players need 4 sockets in order to insert the runes Tal, Thul, Ort, and Amn to make the Spirit Runeword in Diablo 2: Resurrected.