Simply unpack the downloaded archive into your game's installation directory (where you can find the file "chitin.key") and run "setup-A7-TotLM-BG2EE.Baldur’s Gate 3 mods add new character customization for both player-controlled characters and NPCs. This is a WeiDU mod, that means it is very easy to install. Reduce by 75 percent (Recommended if you start the quest in the Coalition Camp, Siege of Dragonspear campaign.) You can choose from the following options: This component allows you to reduce the experience gained from killing monsters or granted by completing quest stages. The whole adventure allows you to earn about 300,000 to 400,000 XP which can be too much depending on when or where you start the quest. Reduce experience from monsters and quests (requires the main component) Note: Because of balance reasons this component is automatically installed by the main component "Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate" in a Siege of Dragonspear game. This component replaces these items by less powerful variants. Since the mod allows you to retrieve a good number of powerful weapons, armor and equipment, it may diminish the challenge from the rest of the game. Many items in Icewind Dale are exceptionally powerful. Rebalance weapons and equipment (requires the main component not available for SoD) They are added to various stores, creatures and containers. This component also makes a good number of unique Icewind Dale spells available to the player. Moreover, several events, scripts and creature animations have been expanded, improved or adapted to Baldur's Gate style. Spells and items that are only available in Icewind Dale and have little or no relevance in the adventure have been replaced by similar Baldur's Gate spells or items.

The mod makes a number of slight changes to the adventure to bring it more in line with the Baldur's Gate universe. (Recommended party strength: level 11 or higher.) It installs many new areas, creatures, items, spells and everything else needed to enjoy the adventure. Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate (requires BG2:EE, SoD or EET patched to 2.0 or higher) In the course of the adventure you have the opportunity to explore a haunted castle, test your mettle in challenging combat and lift an ancient curse. The quest starts by talking to the halfling Hobart Stubbletoes, who can be found either in the Umar Hills Inn (SoA), Amkethran Inn (ToB) or in the southeastern area of the Coalition Camp (SoD).

This mod makes the Icewind Dale expansion "Trials of the Luremaster" available to BG2:EE (v2.0 or later), Siege of Dragonspear and EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy). Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate is a mod for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition and Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, created bt Argent77.